Monday, March 2, 2009

Mini Lesson Monday - Let the Little Children Come Unto Me....

Last night, we had the honor and privilege of hearing both of our kiddos give speeches and read scripture in preparation for Lads to Leaders. This is our second year to participate in Lads to Leaders, and we couldn't be more proud of Parker and Kinlee. For them to have the courage to get up and speak/read in front of that many people - we can't ask for more than that. The theme of this year's Lads to Leaders convention comes from a passage in Joshua where the children of Israel say that they will "go wherever God sends them, and do what He wants them to do".

In Parker's speech, he talks about something he loves - football - and how it can be compared to our Christian walk. You must listen to your "coach" (God), you must follow the playbook (the Bible), and you must have the courage to face your opponents (Satan) and get back up when you get knocked down. His scripture reading comes from the passage where Abram is asked to leave his homeland, possessions, and everything he knows and move to a new land. Kinlee reads from the book of Ruth where Ruth tells Naomi that she will "go where she goes, die where she dies, etc...". They both did such a good job!!!

What can I learn from this??? The innocence of a child, the willingness of a child, and the enthusiasm of a child. Although they were both nervous (Parker said he had butterflies, and Kinlee said she read a little fast because she was just ready to get it over with!), they still had the courage to get up there and do it! How do we do?? Do we sit on the sidelines and watch, or do we get in there with it all??

Join me in these challenges this week:

  1. Have the courage to "get in there" and do what you can do - even if you're nervous.
  2. Follow our coach and our guidebook, in all aspects of our lives.
  3. Learn from the innocence and enthusiasm of our kiddos

Have a great week!!!


The Moses Family said...

Oh wow! Parker looks soooo incredibly grown up in that tie! It seems like yesterday I was babysitting them reading the book "Hug" and Parker lost his first tooth! Breaks my heart!

Jill said...

Great job, Guys!
I love the football analogy!
I'm so proud of you both- way to go!