Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lambert's 2010!!!

Yes...I know...it has been quite a while since I've blogged. I will use the same ol' excuses we all use...we've been busy....it's been crazy around here....blah...blah....blah! It for SURE isn't because we haven't been up to anything around here! THAT has been the problem. I survived the Spring/Summer Consignment Sale - no pictures to prove it, so you'll just have to take my word for it!! It went well...done til' fall! One thing I DID document with pictures, though, was our annual "Tax Return Trip to Lambert's". (I really need to shorten that name!:)) Maybe I'll just call it "TuRTLe" from now on. Anyway, we had a really good time, ate entirely too much, and even managed to smuggle a few rolls home for some of the kids' teachers. As a matter of fact, the teachers at their school are all doing "The Biggest Loser". The kids took the rolls to school the next day, proceeded to find out who all was participating, and handed out rolls accordingly to try and sabotage their efforts. Little stinkers!! They only had one teacher actually turn them down, though....oh for the will power of that woman!!!
Some of the "roll catching" photos below are a little blurry, but it's pretty hard to get a good action shot while attempting to NOT get hit in the head with a roll!! We had a blast!!!

Until next year, Lambert's....we love you!!!:)

1 comment:

Sandy said...

love the pictures of the kids catching rolls! Fun stuff!